Monday, February 1, 2010

8 snow days and counting!

Well, Mother Nature has really been giving us heck this winter and I, for one, am about ready to tell her where she can stick her winter weather!!  I am tired of being cold.  I am tired of watching (from the warmth of my home) my husband shovel and chip and use the snowblower!  And I am TIRED of snow days!!!  Would a normal weekly schedule be so much to ask?  We have 8 snow days under our belt for this season so far.  The kids were scheduled to be done with school on May 26th.  Now, as it stands their last day will be June 3rd.  Jordan's not complaining because, as of right now, the seniors will not have to make up any days. His last day will be May 19th. I have had to spend alot of time being creative with fun indoor activities.  I guess I have some work to do in this area because they didn't find my suggestions of games like.....Clean Your Drawers and Closets, Who Can Fold This Laundry Faster, and my favorite...What's Hiding Under Your Bed.....much fun.

Jordan is enjoying his last semester.  Classes are good and he enjoys early release.  Most days he is home by 1:40pm and you will find him doing this......
We have played 7 basketball games since I last updated and have won them all!  The boys are playing really well and they are fun to watch!  Jordan and the 3 other senior boys were on page two of the sports section of the Des Moines Register  Friday January 29th along with a nice article about the team and quotes from the 4 seniors.  He has started to hit some three pointers lately.  He had two in the Sayel game!  Not a huge amount of playing time but enough to keep him happy and feeling like he is making a contribution.  This weekend Dana and I took Jordan shopping for a laptop.  His 18th birthday is Wednesday the 3rd so he got it a little early.  This was a rare weekend for him with no work or basketball so he was excited to get something new to play with!
We also finally got him hooked up with the Xbox 360 Live so he can game with his friends.  He likes to play Call of Duty and he realized when gaming with others that he isn't so good and was probably getting beat by a 9 year old!

Abbey has been really busy with Show Choir.  They had their preview night a few weeks ago.  We got to see them and the high school choir perform. She looks so good in her dress!
Her and Emily have so much fun together and Abbey is glad that she is in show choir too!
Abbey got to enjoy a trip with the Band and Choir to see The Lion King at the Civic Center.  They loaded up a school bus and took them to CiCi's Pizza and the show.  They had a great time!
Abbey put the final touches on her Freshman schedule for next year and turned that in last week.  Wow, she is growing up so fast.  She seems a little nervous about the whole transition.  Her big brother was no help!  He kept telling her that High School was really hard and that teachers that she had were mean and graded hard.  Ugh...gotta love those brothers.  We gave him a gentle reminder that he was going to be a Freshman next year, as well!

Last Sunday we had a late birthday party for Carson. Since his birthday falls on a holiday it is really hard to do it at that time.  We were free last weekend so on Sunday we had 16 kids at the pool at the new Waukee Y.  They had a great time.  He had a Super Mario themed party because he is a Mario junky!  Well, a video game junky is a better description so we went with it!  According to Carson it was the "best day ever!"
Carson loves the water!

Emma having fun with the fountains!

Cole, Carson, and Hope

The cake with Mr Chlorine Eyes!

Love that blue frosting!!

Emma has been busy being Emma!  Dress up and all things girly are what she does.  She loved the time spent swimming at Carson's party as much as he did.  Now all she is talking about is her birthday party.  IN JULY!  Patience is a virtue!

Landry, Abbey, and Emma

Dana has been pretty busy with Booster Club stuff.  Between all the basketball and wrestling, he spends at least one night a week out overseeing the concession stand operations.  He has been doing a little traveling for work.  Nothing overnight and I wouldn't have even known he was out of the office if he wouldn't have told me.  Something to do with new cooler shelving I think.  Didn't affect us here at home at all!!  Love Casey's General Stores!!

I am overwhelmed right now with Father/Daughter dance stuff.  That is next Saturday and I will be glad when it is behind us and hope it is very successful in raising funds for After Prom.  My inbox is crazy full with dance correspondance.  Will definitely need to purge when it's all over.  I am also knee deep in tax stuff and FAFSA (Free Application For Federal Student Aid!) stuff.  Hope to have most of that taken care of by Valentines Day.  It's what gets us Federal money for college and each college has it's own deadline for when they would like to receive it!  Not to mention having to keep track of local scholarship deadlines. I bet I recite scholarship info and deadlines in my sleep!  I forgot to send Emma in her pj's on pj day and was completely mortified when I realized it at 10:00am when I was folding her clean pj's!  She, apparently, wasn't as devestated as I was so I was off the hook.  It just took me out of the running for Mother of the Year! Damn!  So...this week I will face my son turning 18, a whole bunch of screaming elementary girls at the Father/Daughter dance and the nice lady at H&R Block that does our taxes with a smile on my face. It's what I do!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another week with no normal!

Last week was anything but normal. (if there is such a thing in our house)  The kids and I still had Monday off. But Tuesday it was back to work and school.  That is until 6:50am when the call came in saying that due to the difficulty keeping the buses running they were going to delay school 2 hours.  I already had 3 of the 4 up and ready.  Poor little Emma doesn't get to go to school when they have a late start.  They all went to school as normal on Wednesday but Thursday and Friday were snow days.  We have had 5 to be exact.  They build 3 into our calendar so now we have 2 days to make far!

We got an additional 7 inches with this one and the temps were way too cold.  -18 on Saturday morning.  Now the kids loved that we had snow days.  I would just like a little structure back.  8 kids in the house isn't all it's cracked up to be.  So far this week looks to be more like I am accustomed to.

Abbey spent most of last week reading, playing the Wii with Carson, painting her fingernails, and did some babysitting.

Jordan played basketball Tuesday...they won!  He checked out his new classes this last semester of high school.  Seems to think that it is going to go pretty smoothly.  He is taking a digital photography class that he is excited about.  Am hoping he can give me a couple of pointers.  Friday's game was postponed.  Saturday they were handed their first loss of the season by the 2nd ranked team in 3A.

Carson and Emma were just excited to enjoy a few more days of playing with their new toys.  They both claimed that I was being unreasonable by not letting them go out to play in the extreme wind chills.  I explained to them that it is my goal in life to be the meanest mom possible.

Dana and I spent Friday evening helping Julie at her photo studio open house.  That's right...Julie of LandryAnna Designs has opened a studio right here in town.  We are so happy for her.  The place is really cool inside and she has such great ideas!  I just know that she is going to do well.  So we enjoyed seeing friends and drinking some wine.

Michelle, me, Julie, and Kelly at Julie's open house

Well it hasn't been exciting but at least it is an update.  (kinda patting myself on the back since I have been so bad about keeping it up!)  Enjoy some pictures that I took on a cold Saturday morning!

Dana working hard to clear the south sidewalk.

See what I mean!  It always blows shut! There is a sidewalk under all that snow!

The birch in front of our house was so pretty Saturday morning!

The beauty is about the only thing I enjoy this time of year!

Until next week!  Stay warm!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

Ok, I am way behind and since this is a new year I feel that I owe my stalkers an update!  If there are even any of you left. We are all well and enjoying our holiday break.  I always take the kids' winter break off.  It gives them time with me without having to compete with the daycare kids for my attention.  I figure that I owe them that much since it doesn't get to happen over the summer.  Dana had a few vacation days left and took a few days off before Christmas and a few days off this week before the new year. So we have been enjoying each others company, playing with the kids, and starting to close out 2009 and prepare ourselves for 2010.

Since we last talked:

Jordan ran at the State XC meet on October 31st.  It was a cold and very blustery day and it had rained about 4 inches in the week leading to the meet.  The course was very mushy and the amount of people at the meet was overwhelming for us all!!  They finished 12th out of 15 teams in 3A and we were very proud of their first team attempt at the State meet. Jordan ran an 18:35 and was just really happy to be there.  It was very emotional for me because it was his last XC event and I couldn't give any words of encouragement as he came down the finish chute as I was choking back tears!  As he walked back to camp he made the comment that he was done......"that's more!"  So I think he was well aware of it also.

Jordan running at State XC

Dana and I with Jordan right after he finished his race!
At the end of the season banquet for Cross Country he was voted MVP of the team! Even though there were stonger runners on the team he was voted MVP.  Wow....some of the things that were said about him by his team:

"He is a good leader and always made me feel like part of the team."
"He runs very well, is very nice and respectful to everyone (including freshman), and knows when to have fun and when to be serious."
"He brings the team together and just always has a positive attitude"

We were so proud!  Another very emotional moment for his mother!
After wrapping up Cross Country he had a few weeks off and squeezed in 2 more college visits.  One to Morningside College in Sioux City and one to Central College in Pella.  He has actually visited Central twice and feels that if the award offer is good that is where he would like to go.  He really liked the Track and Field coach and loved the campus.  The admission staff in really uncomparable with any I have dealt with.  They know him by name and can recognize him when they see him.  I also liked the fact that it is only about 45 minutes from home and we can go have supper with him or visit when we desire.  That will be helpful for Carson who is already stuggling with the fact that Jordan isn't going to be living here when college starts! During his break he also ran in the Living History Farms 7K race the weekend before Thanksgiving with about 7500 other people.  He ran with other XC friends and had alot of fun.  Basketball started right after that and even though both Dana and I were hoping he would not go out and work and lift weights in preparation for Track, we are so glad he did go out and are having a great time watching them!  They are undefeated and ranked 5th in the state for 3A.  The team is full of selfless players who actually like each other and really enjoy the game of basketball! Jordan rounds out his free time with work when he can and right now is enjoying some time with friends that are home on college break! They went sledding at 11:00pm on Wednesday night and had a blast!  Dana and Jordan also took a trip with my brother-in-law and nephew to Minnesota in mid December to see the Vikings play.

Santa was pretty good to Jordan this year bringing him new Bose headphones and lots of really cool athletic work out and casual clothes.  He also got a few new Xbox 360 games.

Abbey is just a joy to have around almost all of the time!! : )  She loves to read and when she isn't doing that she is filling notebook pages with short stories.  She let Santa know (after Christmas) that she would love a laptop so she doesn't have to wait in line to use our computer!!  She is also hoping to get another poem published this year.  Once a month Abbey goes to the Teen Center at the School.  She either goes and enjoys time with her friends playing games and hanging out or she volunteers her time helping others do just that.  She already had 15 hours of service during her first quarter in school and looks to double that for the 2nd quarter.  She also has lots of opportunities in our neighborhood for babysitting jobs and loves the cushion it adds to her rainy day funds!  She has been taking tickets at a few Middle School events. She makes money doing that which the school applies to her Washington DC travel fund. Abbey is a HUGE fan of the Twilight series so the release of "New Moon" was much anticipated.  She and Emily, her best friend, saw it the weekend it opened.  They do alot together and it's fun to have her around!

Abbey has been working really hard in Show Choir and the work has paid off.  She has a solo and duet this year.  We got to see the early version of their show at the Winter Concert right before Christmas.  They are still in the "putting it all together" stages and she is so fun to watch! Abbey was pretty happy with her Christmas loot too. She got a new cell phone with a qwerty keyboard. Now she can text at lightening speed. She also got a new digital camera and digital picture frame to display all her memories.

Carson turned 7 yesterday! Wow, that has gone way too fast! We are going to have his party in January. If we have it close to his birthday the turn out isn't great because everyone is so busy with holiday stuff. We went and saw Alvin and The Chipmunks yesterday and he stayed busy trying to master some new Wii games!

1st grade is going great. He is reading pretty well and started having spelling tests last month, which he does really well with. He plays outside whenever the weather allows! (We've had over 27 inches of snow here in the Frozen Tundra)

He plays his video games whenever we will allow him. He loves to play board games and likes to play Sorry alot. Santa brought Carson a new 20 inch bike for Christmas and he can't wait to get out and practice riding it. He also got new clothes and new Wii and DS games.

Our sweet little Emma loves all things girly.  She loves to play with her Barbie's, cook in her kitchen, play dress up and put on make-up. She really enjoys her mornings at Optional Kindergarten.  While trying to help Carson with sight words I have discovered that she is picking some of them up too.  I hope that reading comes really easy for her because we have really had to work with the other kids!  Daddy managed to score some really great seats for Emma to see the Disney Princesses on Ice in November.  I don't think that she blinked through the whole thing!

Her new obbsession is our dog Milo.  She asked Santa for "my very own real puppy" (a wish he thankfully did not fullfill!)  Everyday during quiet time she curls up on the sofa and he curls up on her lap and sometimes they nap.  She also has taken over making sure he has food and water.  Not sure where the sudden interest in the dog came from but it sure it cute to watch!

Emma also loves to spend time out in the snow.  Santa brought her a whole box of Disney Princess dolls, a DS of her very own, and some clothes.

Dana is getting ready to celebrate his one year anniversary with Casey's General Stores on January 5th, 2010.  It has been such a great thing for him.  He was gone 4 nights the whole year and most of that was golfing pleasure with vendors!  He never brings work home with him and his departure and arrival times are very predictible!  We've never had it so good! He is still the Vice-President of the Booster Club and helps out whenever the school needs him.  He is still on the Facility Planning Committee and is on a focus group that will be conducting a needs assessment of our school district in preparation for a comprehensive site visit for the Iowa Department of Education. He has also been doing alot of shoveling and giving our snowblower a workout with the 27+ inches that we have received in December.

I am still busy with my family and my daycare kids.  I have done a lot of baking this holiday season (more so than any other) and really enjoy finding new recipes and cooking for my family.  Dana and I have vowed to stop eating out so much.  Mostly to help the waistlines but the budget is seeing some positive rewards from that change too.  I am co-chairing the Father/Daughter Dance for the After Prom committee again this year and that is starting to ramp up.  We have been busy with the planning and advertising stages.  My co-chair is also very organized and a great friend so it's alot of fun to be involved in.  This year Dana will get to take Emma so that will be so fun to watch!  I am also busy putting things together for Jordan's graduation. (with Dana's help, of course) I really have to admit that I am being drug into 2010 a little unwillingly!!  I have to let go a little more of someone I love and am not ready for that. I can't stop it....I just have to prepare myself for it.  I have such a great group of girlfriends, so between them and Dana, I think I will have plenty of people to prop me up when I can't do it myself!!

Together, Dana and I still bowl each Wednesday night for fun! Some nights we bowl really well and others we are just there to drink beer!  It's a frustrating game but great couple time!  Most of the time, the two of us are planning and executing to keep a busy house of 6 running smoothly! 

We are so blessed!  Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

On to State!!

Thought I would do a quick update to let everyone know that our boys Cross Country team has qualified for state. Monday at Perry they placed 3rd in our district to secure a first ever team trip to state for a DCG Cross Country team! We missed second place by 1 point! Jordan is thrill and all of these boys have worked so hard to achieve this goal!
So Saturday morning after sending the team off in style we are headed to Ft Dodge to cheer this great group of boys on! It will be a busy day as the little two are not letting us forget that it is Halloween. We should make it home with a little time to spare before we trick or treat and then the adults get their turn to dress up for the annual Ribich Halloween Bash!
Should be a memorable weekend! Stay tuned! Oh yeah.....please note in the following pictures that Jordan has changed his hair style! I find myself staring at him as it sure made him look grown up and alot like his dad!

The new hairdo!

We're going to state!

3 of the seniors that will run at state!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sick Days and College Visits

I would recommend that before you read this you do several of the following......1)Wash hands thoroughly! 2)Apply mask! 3)Use hand sanitizer frequently while reading this entry! Yep.....the house is sick. No...I don't believe that it is the H1N1. I think that it is just a nice virus that we picked up. I don't think that we are sick enough to say it was the flu. At lease that is what I and our very nice pediatrician think. Even though I couldn't imagine feeling any sicker than a few of us did.

It started last Monday with Jordan saying. "Mom, my throat is a little scratchy." I was forbidden to touch him or ask any questions. He had the conference XC meet on Tuesday night and he was running. Tuesday morning at 4:00am Dana and I were awakened by Carson who was crawling into our bed because he was "too hot". In my sleep induced coma, I acknowledged that...."yep, you are indeed hot" and we all settled in to finish the remainder of night before being rudely awakened by the darn alarm. Carson slept on while Dana and I got ready for work. I got both Carson and Emma up to get ready for school and realized in my fully awake state that, "Oh my gosh! Carson is really warm." He crawled back into our bed and announced "Email Mrs Mackey, mom. I'm not going to school today." As all this is playing out, daycare families are dropping off there kids. While in Emma and Carson's room I discover that the reason he decided to come to our bed at 4:00am was because he had vomited in his bed! I begin to call all the families that had just dropped off their children and had them come back and get them. With all the yuck that is going around this year I have decided to take a harder line in regards to having sick kids here or caring for kids while mine are ill.

So, Carson was home Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Jordan ran at conference on Tuesday night...finished 13th overall with All-Conference honors. He woke up Wednesday morning feeling crappy and was home Wednesday and Thursday. Saturday morning Dana, Jordan and I went to a Senior Day at Simpson College in Indianola. Saturday night I started feeling a little yucky. We had our family pictures taken on Sunday afternoon. I am not sure that all of us were feeling all that great but we smiled and I think Julie got some good ones. Sunday afternoon Carson, Emma, and I didn't moved out of the living room. We watched movies and napped. By Sunday evening Emma and I were both running temps. Monday was a day off for everyone. There was no school and I wasn't scheduled to work that day. I was to be on my way to Maryville, MO to look at Northwest MO State with Dana and Jordan. They went without me.

Abbey felt a little crappy but had no fever and has continued on with her activities. She sang in a choir with other area 8th graders on Monday. Dana made the concert...I was on the couch! She also performed in the Middle School choir at their fall concert. Dana made the concert...I was on the couch! Dana has managed to stay healthy through all of this. He has been a great help in keeping things moving forward.

With all that, we did get the two college visits in. We were sitting in an athletics session at Simpson and they showed a short video and I had to really focus on something else for a second because I thought I was going to cry. It came over me what we were really doing there. While on the campus tour I felt a sudden excitement for him. All the new prospects of being a college student and the feeling of freedom that comes with that. I felt a little bipolar! He said he like Northwest MO State a lot better. Liked the whole campus, the amenities offered (laptops and book rentals) and really liked the track and field coach better. At least there is no question how the first two rank with him. We will visit Central and Morningside in early November and will see how they fall into order. He has started sending out applications and has been accepted at Central so far. He is taking the ACT's again on Saturday and will take them a 3rd time in December if I have anything to say about it. If he keeps improving his score then his chances for more financial aid will too!

There are no photos for the week. Sorry...I am too lazy today and I am not sure there are any photos to show! The XC team runs at districts tomorrow, weather permitting. Hope to share exciting news from that!! Now....go wash your hands!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Homecoming 2009 and College stuff!

Well Homecoming 2009 is now history. It was a pretty busy week for the house but we managed to enjoy it all! It started off with the Homecoming Games hosted by the After Prom committee on Sunday night. Dana and I decided this year in stead of being in charge of a game we would just go up and enjoy watching the kids participate. They had a lot of fun playing some crazy games! Monday we were in Adel for a XC meet which the boys won! Thursday was the Powder Puff football game which pits the Senior girls against the Junior girls. This was the first one we have been able to attend because usually there is a XC meet that same night. This year Jordan was asked to sit in the press box and give commentary. He was really funny and had a great time! It was really weird and cool to hear our son's voice over the sound system. The Juniors beat the Seniors. The most entertaining part was the Junior XC boys dressed up as cheerleaders!! Later that night there was a bonfire. The first ever in the school's history. We didn't stay as it was mostly for the kids. They must have thought that Jordan did a good enough job in the booth earlier because they asked him to emcee the events going on at the bonfire....the cheers...speakers and such! Football Friday was a busy day so I took the day off of work. I went over and watched Abbey run the mile and Jordan and the other varsity XC runners came over to run with the kids for encouragement. Abbey did a great job. She looked so focused and on a mission. Then it was off to the parade and coronation. We took Carson out of school early so he could ride in the parade with the Booster Club and throw candy. He was in heaven! The coronation crowned King Eddie and Queen Dani. Jordan was not named Homecoming King but he remains King of our hearts! (I know....kind of cheesey!!) He found a partner for the dance in Courtney P. He threw it out on Facebook on Wednesday night to see if there was anyone out there that wanted to go to the dance with him. A little unconventional but it provided results.

Our XC boys have been on a roll!! We have won the last three meets we have been at. Adel, Nevada, and North Polk. We are ranked 6th in the state for 3A. These boys have been working really hard to get to the state meet. We were lucky to find out that we will run at Perry for our district meet in 2 weeks. We have had to go to Atlantic the last 3 years. We will run at Perry next week for our Conference meet so our boys will have a chance to know the course before districts. They have been running no matter what the weather conditions are. Their sights are set on Ft Dodge on October 31st! In their district they have the 3rd highest ranking and they only take the top 3 teams so they will have to run very well to get there! Jordan ran a personal best at Neveda of 17:51.

Show choir has started for Abbey. They had a week of early morning practices last week and then auditions this week. We are fairly certain she has a spot. She is in heaven that it is starting. On September 26th she had a really cool opportunity to be an extra in a movie that they were using the DC-G Middle School to shoot in. The movie is called "Smitty" and has Mira Sorvino, Louis Gossett, Jr, and Peter Fonda in it. She spent about 5 hours at the school waiting to shoot some cafeteria scenes. She hopes she doesn't end up on the editing room floor. We spent most of the night texting back and forth and she was just giddy! She met someone named Boo Boo who is apparently in the Twilight Movie series. For a teenage girl it doesn't get any better than that!! She took photos with her cell phone and he signed the phone for her. She was over the moon when I went and picked her up. Not sure how much she slept that night!

Carson and Emma have been great. They both really enjoy school. This week has been all about Fire Prevention so they have both made a trip to the Fire Station and have been busy comparing stories. They have been going to all the XC meets and love running around. They also love the attention the high school girls shower them with! I spend alot of the meets trying to prevent my small children from running into the path of the big kids while they run! We ran at TCI (a very nice local golf course) this week and they had a blast picking up golf balls from the driving range. I am pretty certain that we weren't suppose to be removing said golf balls and my children are now considered criminals but it kept them happy.

Since my last post, Dana and I have both turned another year older! We celebrated with meals from out favorite restaurants in between Homecoming activities. We have bowled our 3rd week as of last night and are having lots of fun. We are bowling really well and my average keeps going up. Which sounds great, but eventually it will just become an unreachable number. Both our guys are bowling in the 200's and Krista and I have been known to bowl in the 160's and up. I kept it real last night with scores in the 1 teens and 120's.

Dana and I took Jordan to the Golden Circle College Fair on Sunday. There was over 140 colleges there and we were able to talk to people from the colleges he is interested in. We spent an hour collecting info on colleges and financial aid and then we took him to our favorite Mexican restaurant, held him hostage in a booth for an hour and discussed what we had received and what he has going on in his head. It was the most productive conversation we have had in a long time! We got out of him his top 4-5 choices of schools. He has been getting calls from college track coaches to see if he would be interested in running track at their school. He is interested in running but the best information we received from our pow wow was that he is interested in communications/broadcasting. He said he had a lot of fun up in the booth at the Powder Puff game. He is interested in pursuing something along that lines. He is going to see if he can shadow the local sports director at one of the major network news stations here in Des Moines to see if that is the direction he would like to go. He mentioned "sports management". Not quite sure what that is but am thrilled to death he might actually have a path now. He refers to it as an "narrow dirt road" but, hey, at least we are headed in the right direction. The next month finds us making at least 4 college visits. Hoping that by actually seeing the campus and speaking with the Track and Field coach that my indecisive teen will have an easier time making a decision!

Finally....a little food for thought. Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue!

Enjoy some pictures from the past two weeks!

XC boys win the Nevada meet!

Jordan excited about his 9th place overall medal!

Dana corraling the kids at the North Polk meet! Their pockets are full of stolen golf balls! : )

XC boys win the North Polk meet!

Jordan in the Press Box calling Powder Puff game!

Abbey running the Mile Run on Homecoming!

Carson throwing out candy with the Booster Club

Jordan and Dani riding in the Parade!

Jordan and Dani and their parade waves!

DC-G's Homecoming Court 2009

Dani Hansen and her escort Jordan Sump!

Jordan and his dance date...Courtney Phillips