Monday, February 1, 2010

8 snow days and counting!

Well, Mother Nature has really been giving us heck this winter and I, for one, am about ready to tell her where she can stick her winter weather!!  I am tired of being cold.  I am tired of watching (from the warmth of my home) my husband shovel and chip and use the snowblower!  And I am TIRED of snow days!!!  Would a normal weekly schedule be so much to ask?  We have 8 snow days under our belt for this season so far.  The kids were scheduled to be done with school on May 26th.  Now, as it stands their last day will be June 3rd.  Jordan's not complaining because, as of right now, the seniors will not have to make up any days. His last day will be May 19th. I have had to spend alot of time being creative with fun indoor activities.  I guess I have some work to do in this area because they didn't find my suggestions of games like.....Clean Your Drawers and Closets, Who Can Fold This Laundry Faster, and my favorite...What's Hiding Under Your Bed.....much fun.

Jordan is enjoying his last semester.  Classes are good and he enjoys early release.  Most days he is home by 1:40pm and you will find him doing this......
We have played 7 basketball games since I last updated and have won them all!  The boys are playing really well and they are fun to watch!  Jordan and the 3 other senior boys were on page two of the sports section of the Des Moines Register  Friday January 29th along with a nice article about the team and quotes from the 4 seniors.  He has started to hit some three pointers lately.  He had two in the Sayel game!  Not a huge amount of playing time but enough to keep him happy and feeling like he is making a contribution.  This weekend Dana and I took Jordan shopping for a laptop.  His 18th birthday is Wednesday the 3rd so he got it a little early.  This was a rare weekend for him with no work or basketball so he was excited to get something new to play with!
We also finally got him hooked up with the Xbox 360 Live so he can game with his friends.  He likes to play Call of Duty and he realized when gaming with others that he isn't so good and was probably getting beat by a 9 year old!

Abbey has been really busy with Show Choir.  They had their preview night a few weeks ago.  We got to see them and the high school choir perform. She looks so good in her dress!
Her and Emily have so much fun together and Abbey is glad that she is in show choir too!
Abbey got to enjoy a trip with the Band and Choir to see The Lion King at the Civic Center.  They loaded up a school bus and took them to CiCi's Pizza and the show.  They had a great time!
Abbey put the final touches on her Freshman schedule for next year and turned that in last week.  Wow, she is growing up so fast.  She seems a little nervous about the whole transition.  Her big brother was no help!  He kept telling her that High School was really hard and that teachers that she had were mean and graded hard.  Ugh...gotta love those brothers.  We gave him a gentle reminder that he was going to be a Freshman next year, as well!

Last Sunday we had a late birthday party for Carson. Since his birthday falls on a holiday it is really hard to do it at that time.  We were free last weekend so on Sunday we had 16 kids at the pool at the new Waukee Y.  They had a great time.  He had a Super Mario themed party because he is a Mario junky!  Well, a video game junky is a better description so we went with it!  According to Carson it was the "best day ever!"
Carson loves the water!

Emma having fun with the fountains!

Cole, Carson, and Hope

The cake with Mr Chlorine Eyes!

Love that blue frosting!!

Emma has been busy being Emma!  Dress up and all things girly are what she does.  She loved the time spent swimming at Carson's party as much as he did.  Now all she is talking about is her birthday party.  IN JULY!  Patience is a virtue!

Landry, Abbey, and Emma

Dana has been pretty busy with Booster Club stuff.  Between all the basketball and wrestling, he spends at least one night a week out overseeing the concession stand operations.  He has been doing a little traveling for work.  Nothing overnight and I wouldn't have even known he was out of the office if he wouldn't have told me.  Something to do with new cooler shelving I think.  Didn't affect us here at home at all!!  Love Casey's General Stores!!

I am overwhelmed right now with Father/Daughter dance stuff.  That is next Saturday and I will be glad when it is behind us and hope it is very successful in raising funds for After Prom.  My inbox is crazy full with dance correspondance.  Will definitely need to purge when it's all over.  I am also knee deep in tax stuff and FAFSA (Free Application For Federal Student Aid!) stuff.  Hope to have most of that taken care of by Valentines Day.  It's what gets us Federal money for college and each college has it's own deadline for when they would like to receive it!  Not to mention having to keep track of local scholarship deadlines. I bet I recite scholarship info and deadlines in my sleep!  I forgot to send Emma in her pj's on pj day and was completely mortified when I realized it at 10:00am when I was folding her clean pj's!  She, apparently, wasn't as devestated as I was so I was off the hook.  It just took me out of the running for Mother of the Year! Damn!  So...this week I will face my son turning 18, a whole bunch of screaming elementary girls at the Father/Daughter dance and the nice lady at H&R Block that does our taxes with a smile on my face. It's what I do!