Monday, October 27, 2008

Race Week

This week was race week in our home. District Cross Country and The Race for the Cure. Good news is that Emma and I raced (well...walked) for all of the woman who have been affected by breast cancer. Bad news is that Jordan's Junior season of Cross Country is over.

The District meet was in Atlantic and has been for the last 3 year. It is no easy course with many hills. The weather was not cooperative with about 2.5 inches of rain the prior 48 hours and temps in the low 50's. Always a bridesmaid...never a bride. Our team finished 4th and we had runners in the 11th and 13th spots. The top 3 teams and top 10 individuals go to state. We just missed it again this year. Jordan didn't run at districts last year because his time wasn't good enough. This year he ran but the hills were too much. He said once he got going he "put the cruise on" and said that when he wanted to start moving up that he "couldn't get it to go off". He said his legs wouldn't carry him faster. I was overcome with emotion at the end for those boys that were so close to state. I really wanted it for them and the whole darn team. The expressions on their faces said it all.

Saturday morning Emma and I braved the brisk temps to join some friends in The Race for the Cure here in Des Moines. Over 23,000 people took part in it. It is truly amazing to see all the people coming together for the same cause, not to mention emotional. To see the survivors in their pink shirts and the families with pictures of their loved ones taken by this awful disease. Both Dana and I have been touched by breast cancer in our families. Emma and I walked for Grandma Egger and Grandma Judson, Aunt Marcella, Aunt Virjean, and my own mom who has not received an official breast cancer diagnosis but has breast health issues that are watched closely. We just did the 1 mile loop since we had two 4 year olds with us. They were troopers! It was quite overwhelming with all the people. Please consider a donation to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation to help find a cure for breast cancer.

This weeks montage is going to have some of my favorite pictures from the XC season in it. Sorry, some you have already seen. There will be new pics of the district meet and some photos of Emma and I down at the race and some pictures of people that you may not know. I just wanted to use the whole song "I Run for Life" by Melissa Etheridge for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cross Country Winds Down

The Raccoon River Conference XC meet was this week. The season is winding down. It was the last meet for Abbey. Jordan has districts on Thursday and maybe the State Meet if the boys work hard. It was cold and rainy. (The things we do for our kids!) Both kids definitely like the cool better but the rain we could all do without! Both of them ran their personal best at this meet, which was run in Winterset. Abbey had her best time prior on this course of 18:08 and ran a 16:26 on Monday! I wish I could have captured her jubilation on film but I was too busy catching her as she lept into my arms! We were so proud of her final effort of the season. Jordan ran a 18:02. His best career time. He looked great. He was a bit disappointed that he was 8 spots out from an all conference award. The top 20 get those. It was still a very great effort. Now he focuses on districts and Abbey on school and show choir. She still hasn't decided if she is doing basketball.

It was the start of parent teacher conferences this week. We had Jordan and Abbey's conferences. Both are doing very well. Abbey really did a great job bringing her Math grade up. We also met with the guidance counselor for Jordan and received "light reading material" (ha ha) on getting ready for college. I really need to stock up on the Kleenex that I carry in my purse. I just want him to be 5 again. This growing up stuff is taking an emotional toll on me.

Wednesday night found us at the bowling alley. Our team, The Fantastic Four, has won the last 5 out of 6 games. We always have way more fun when we win. This week, after our games we moved into Trophy's for some Buck Hunter which I am really bad at. All males are safe when I have the gun! It's the females that better watch out. The beverages consumed have nothing to do with how lousy I am. I would be the same without the beer! Am pretty sure that my bowling average would go up considerably if I stuck with a diet coke. I just always tell the team that I am "keeping it real". Wouldn't want to make them look bad. : )

This weekend our neighbor Julie took our family pictures and they turned out great! And we had fun doing it. Can't wait to share them with you. You will have to wait until I send out the Christmas cards which will be early this year thanks to her. Most of the weekend was spent making sure that we all had the appropriate attire, which went surprisingly well. Abbey babysat and Jordan went to a movie with some friends. They saw "Quarantine" which he said was "the scariest movie I have ever seen" and I do believe he slept with his light on that night. He also volunteered with some of the XC team at the Des Moines Marathon. They always run a water station. This year they were at mile 7. The little ones were stuck with us this weekend. We ate out alot (there goes the food budget for October) and watched movies. The weather is turning cold so we are going to have to break out the board games soon. (I know..livin' on the edge!)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Week of October 6th

This week seems quite uneventful in comparison to the recent few. We do enjoy them when they happen. Post homecoming quiet. Jordan's car was able to be back in the driveway and no crazy dress up days or dances to anticipate.

Only 2 XC meets this week. Jordan ran at Nodaway Valley on Monday. Continued with an upper respiratory infection so did struggle a bit during the run. Ran a 19:01 and brought home some hardware for a 17th place finish. It poured rain while they ran! Both our varsity and JV teams brought home the 1st place trophy! Way to go boys. Abbey ran on Thursday which Dana and I both had to miss. Makes me almost physically sick to miss the kids events but she was so understanding! She, of course, ran a great time of 18:10. Her second best time. They both run at the conference meet next week. Abbey is especially excited about this meet as she likes the course and it was where she ran her fastest time. We hope she does is again!

After 1 week of early morning practices Abbey informed us that she secured herself a spot in the show choir. Both of us were so excited for her. She loves to perform. Next week starts early morning practices on Mondays and Thursdays. Can't wait for their first performance. She also went to see The Hobbit at the Des Moines Playhouse with Aunt Karen yesterday. She loved the show and really enjoys time with Karen, who is a pseudo-grandma to my kids. If I know those two, plans are already underway for the next show.

Carson and Emma got to enjoy a week with no sporting events. I figured it was time to give them a break when Carson was asking everyday when picked up from school if they had to go to a "track meet" or not and when I said "no" his was response was pretty jubilant. School is going well for both of them. Carson went to the fire station to check out our "community helpers" and Thursday his class got to have a pajama party for "filling their lilypads". Something that happens when they are good as a class. He was amazed that he got to wear his jammies outside. He thought that was the best. They kids didn't have school on Friday. (teacher workday to prepare for next weeks conferences) Kids were happy!

Dana and I spent a crazy Friday night in the concession stand at the high school football game. (I know...livin' on the edge!) That stand really rocks! We were always busy. I spent it putting together and wrapping burgers, chicken, pork, and ribeye sandwiches. Dana spent it at the window taking money. DC-G lost to Boone by a large margin! Jordan had about 15 people over after the game to watch a movie. He also put in a couple of shifts at work this weekend and spent time with Kelli.

Saturday I made a quick batch of Snickerdoodles for the Punt,Pass and Kick Fundraiser for After Prom and then Dana, I and Emma headed for the lake with the boat in tow. It was a bit windy but we stayed close to the dam and just floated and enjoyed the weather for about 4 hours. Dana and I snuck away for sushi on Saturday evening. Yummy! Love that we can put the little two to bed and then sneak out for a quick bite. We usually miss the wait then.

Sunday Dana waxed the boat and prepared it for winter storage and mowed lawn. The kids played outside the whole day and I spent the day on the couch and in bed not feeling well. Fever, aches....something viral I am sure. Feeling a bit better today. Hope this isn't a prequel of the sick season!

Very few pictures this week. All of Jordan at the Nodaway Valley meet. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Spaghettios, Flour, & Homecoming Queens..Oh My!

I know...this entry is tardy! I am still trying to recover from last week! It was Dallas Center-Grimes Homecoming and the whole week was a blur! We packed alot into those seven days. As I sit down to write this I am slightly amazed at all the things that we did. I guess that would explain why people keep telling me I look tired this week. (or maybe the signs of being 40 are finally showing up!)

Monday! So it starts out like a normal week with getting the kids off to school. Emma is learning about fire prevention and safety this week so the Grimes Fire Department brings some equipment out to the preschool and lets the kids spray a fire hose and climb into a truck. One of the preschool teachers puts on all of the firefighting gear and the kids can touch her. I took the daycare kids up so they could see it too. It was fun and Emma talked about it all week.
Later that day I packed the little two up and drove to Nevada for Jordan's cross country meet. He ran his fastest time of 18:17 so far this season. He finished 5th for our team and the team finished 4th.
Later that night, Dana lets Milo out for the last time and hollers back into the house, "Jordan's windows have love notes on them." We walk out to his car...parked in the find affections written in shaving cream on the windows, a very large EMPTY spaghettios can on the roof and said spaghettios on the trunk and hood! Ahhh homecoming! So Dana and I load up the dog and take his car down to the car wash. While in the car wash we are spied by some of Jordan's female fans who think that he is in the car. They block us in the car wash and are going to throw flour on it as it comes out. While the rinse is happening they discover that Jordan is not behind the wheel and take off! Ahhhh homecoming! Jordan's car finds a home in the garage for the rest of the week! Oh, almost forgot, Jordan informs us tonight that he has a date for the dance. Holy cow! Did I hear him right? I wanted to ask him to repeat himself. He says he is taking Kelli, a girl from the cross country team. We couldn't be happier. She is a sweetheart, and not to mention, one of the Homecoming Queen candidates! Guess we had better go shopping!

Tuesday! I load up the kids in the morning and take them to the library for story time, complete with singing and crafts. They have a great time and we vow to go each week now that it is getting colder and we can't always get outside.
That afternoon I load up the little two again and this time we are off to Waukee to watch Abbey run her cross country meet. She finishes with an 18:40 and looked great.
We get home just in time to shovel food into our mouths as Dana and I need to be out to the high school for the Homecoming Games. We were in charge of one of the games. This is part of our After Prom fundraiser and the kids have a blast. They get teams of 6 together and come and compete in some crazy games. Some involve water, others pudding, mashed potatoes, and BBQ sauce, some have Redi-whip and cheese balls, others a skate board and a purse. Use your imagination! Dana and I ran our butts off being the referees for our game. We were both exhausted, hoarse, and covered in pudding and BBQ sauce when we went home. (and our game didn't even consist of those substances!) Ahhh homecoming!

Wednesday! A quiet day. I take a break from all the action and join some of the neighborhood women at our local pub for food and drink. It was so nice to catch up with the girls and we always laugh alot! I couldn't ask for a group of better friends! Dana picked me up from there and we went to bowling. Our team has managed to lose the last 6 games. Not doing so hot. But with handicap we are spotting some of the other teams over 100 pins. I had my highest game so far this season with a 147. At least we are having fun while we lose!

Thursday! I spend the day catching up on laundry. Late afternoon the little two were again loaded up for another cross country meet in Perry. Both Jordan and Abbey ran and it was a beautiful day. Abbey ran well with a time consistent of her previous efforts. She is always smiling and the end of the race. Jordan says she isn't running hard enough but we are happy she is having a good time and she has something to do after school. We tell her that she is going to be in great shape for basketball! Jordan had an asthma attack during his race but ran the best he could. He ran a 19:08 while hyperventilating and managed to maintain his varsity status running 5th for the team. We were very impressed with his determination! When I saw that he was struggling I had to do more running to keep an eye on him and get updates. I grabbed his inhaler when I got close to camp and headed for the finish line to find him lying on the ground struggling. Once we stopped the hyperventilating he was able to do the inhaler and recovered ok. He has a bit of a cold and cough so are thinking that this is contributing to what is going on. Will have to see how the next few meets progress. After the meet we load up the kids and stick a sandwich in their hand. We are off to the high school to see coronation. Jordan had to miss the Powder Puff football game that evening to run but he had an inside source that was sending him text messages during the meet to tell him that the Juniors pulled off an upset. This made all the junior boys very happy! The pep rally had already started when we arrived. We did make it in time for the presentation of the royalty and saw Jordan's homecoming date crowned queen! We were so happy for her. Jordan couldn't stop smiling. She looked so beautiful. It was hard to tell that just and hour before she had run a 4K! Jordan took her out for ice cream after and Dana and I came home and collapsed in a heap after finally getting the little ones to bed.

Friday! I took the daycare kids over to Dallas Center for the annual 1 mile run. Every 4th-8th grade student runs a mile during homecoming. We went to cheer them on and the Varsity cross country runners come over and run the races with the kids. Abbey did great and she was flanked by Kelli and Gunner (2 of the varsity runners). She was all smiles. It was a fun morning. Football Friday night found all of us in the stands watching DC-G beat Perry by 3 points. Was a bit of a nail biter at the end. Abbey marched with the middle school band for pre-game. Carson and Emma just wanted to know if it was time to go home yet. (those poor kids!)

Saturday! Jordan and I spent all morning in the mall searching for the perfect ensemble to match Kelli's outfit. After some negotiating we found it and made it home just in time for him to get to work by 2:00pm. He worked until 7:00 and then raced home to clean up. He brought Kelli back to our house for a couple of pictures. (he did it "so you will have something to look at when you are old and I am gone." Sweet, huh?) Then they were off. Since they weren't able to go out for supper before they went out to breakfast after and then watched movies at another friends house. Ahhhh, Homecoming!!

Sunday! Finally a day of rest! We were going to try to get the boat out but it was pretty windy. I spent the day cleaning and Dana worked on the patio furniture some more. (yes, we are still at it but the end is near!) We had survived the week and had some great stories to tell. We owe the little two big time! Must be why Dana said yes to Emma when she asked to play Hi-Ho Cherrio!

The montage is all about our week. Lots of cross country with a bit of homecoming in there. I haven't gotten any of the pictures of Jordan at the Homecoming games. I was too busy with our game that I couldn't take any of him. Hoping there are some moms that will share some if they got any good ones. The music I picked for Jordan! These are two songs that he recently down loaded from itunes. Ahhhhh, homecoming!!